Monday Night is always Ladies Night.
When: June 20th, 7:30-9:30pm
Where: 687 A Ponte Vedra Blvd.
What: "Counterfeit Gods" by Timothy Keller
Leaders: Beth Harmon and LeAna Kimball
For Information on what will happen the monday before June 20th Contact: Beth Harmon bethhharmon@gmail.com. because monday is always ladies night!!

theology on tap (man night)
Is a gathering of dudes that beginsThursday June 23rd @ 7pm. We will be discussing the most important attribute about ourselves which is what we think about God. A.W. Tozer says there's nothing more important. So, we will dive into difficult passages in scripture, facinating attributes of God, denominational differences and the Jesus that rescues us from ourselves.
Is a gathering of dudes that beginsThursday June 23rd @ 7pm. We will be discussing the most important attribute about ourselves which is what we think about God. A.W. Tozer says there's nothing more important. So, we will dive into difficult passages in scripture, facinating attributes of God, denominational differences and the Jesus that rescues us from ourselves.
Come. Think. Learn.
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